
This little girl...

brings us lots of joy.  She's sweet, loving, smart and very feisty.  She likes to sing and tell stories.  She's patient with her brother and she teaches him to play the games she likes (furniture jumping, screaming contests, stroller races, etc.)  She can put down large amounts of food and she loves candy.  She loves books.  She throws fits and cuddles like only a toddler can.  We love her.  And yesterday we celebrated her 3rd birthday! 


Morgan said...

Happy Birthday little Olivia! She is the most precious thing ever.

P.S. Furniture jumping, screaming contests, and stroller races?!? Are you SURE you're not talking about my kids?? That's what they do too. :)

Katie said...

Happy Birthday Olivia!! And my kid could totally beat your kid in a stroller race.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good one.

Stephani said...

Happy Birthday!

Cynthia said...

Happy Belated Birthday Olivia I love your name and you make it special.